How To Put Joy In Your Healthy Diet With TOKIT?

TOKIT is a big advocate for healthy eating and promoting long improvements to your life by selecting healthy options. We feature many tasty dishes with great health benefits so everyone that eating healthy can also be a joy too which can be found in our dedicated recipe platform cookNjoy. These can be made to perfection with your TOKIT Omni Cook, here are some examples of how you can start to enjoy a healthy diet with tasty foods today:
Starchy Carbs
These are a great way to give yourself an energy boost that is healthy and keeps you full until your next meal. Whole-wheat foods are the perfect source of this kind of healthy energy. Whole Wheat Toast for example is easy to make on the TOKIT Omni Cook thanks to its knead mode. This allows it to automatically mix and stretch the ingredients until the dough is perfect.
High Calcium
This is a great way to maintain strong bones and teeth which is extremely important for physical and active lifestyles. There are many recipes that are rich in calcium including soybeans. The cookNjoy recipe platform has its very own Soy Milk recipe that is super easy to make with TOKIT Omni Cook by soaking and boiling the ingredients in the main pot.
More Fiber
High-fiber foods are just like the magic you need to keep a healthy stomach. There are plenty of dishes that include vegetables and fruits to help with higher fiber intake. Fried Broccoli With Minced Garlic is one dish on cookNjoy that introduces healthy vegetables into your diet in a tasty way and quick and easy to make with the cutting power of the TOKIT Omni Cook.
Join Us On Our Healthy Eating Journey
To bring awareness to the benefits of healthy alternatives to your diet and to show that healthy can also mean tasty, we have launched our very own healthy eating campaign with a chance to win FREE TOKIT Omni Cook and more, giving you the chance to show us the healthy recipes that you make that bring you joy when you eat them. You can find out more about how you can join by clicking here to read all the rules of our campaign.